Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A million miles in a thousand years.

Donald miller captured my attention very quickly in his book A million miles in a thousand years. I particularily liked his idea on what his conversation with God would be about when God asks him what he did with his life lol. I love the style of his writing, it makes it so easy to follow and feels like you're sitting there listening to him talk to you about his life. Another part of the book I loved was when he was asked if his script would include illistrations, and then the next few pages he has pictures of a rather humourous story. He tells you the stories of his life in a funny way, that also challenges you! Honestly I don't imagine there's too many people who wouldn't enjoy this book. I would definately recommend it to anyone looking for a good read! I would love to write more on his book, but I don't want to keep giving away all the good stories lol, so you'll have to read it for yourself. But trust me you won't be disapointed! Well worth the investment!

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