Thursday, April 1, 2010

She walks in Beauty, Siri Mitchell

She walks in Beauty is about a young girl named Clara Carter, she's 17 years old and just about to make her debut and hopefully land a wealthy heir to restore her family's honor after their money was lost. we walk through Clara's life with her, learning her likes her thoughts, her family and finally her loves.
     I"m sitting here trying to think of what to write, because frankly I'm not sure I liked it? the writing style was good and the story line was good, but I just had such a hard time following the story and staying engrossed in it. I think a lot had to do with not understanding the time and the thinking during that time. Perhaps had the author explained that better in the begining of the book I would have more easily understood the story? Otherwise, I'm not regretting that I read it, I do recommend reading this as I"m sure others would enjoy it more than I did and like I said it is well written.

*Available now at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

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